Q.What is VSA?
A. It is a Psychological Stress Evaluator which measures the Lippold Tremor - subsonic reactive elements of the voice which cannot be stopped as they form part of the autonomous nervous system, like breathing, heart beat, etc. Which in turn is regulated between the Sympathetic- and Parasympathetic Systems.
Q. What is the Sympathetic System?
A. Flight or Fight activation within the subject's body and psychological set. Easiest signs to observe are that the subject's eyes will dilate (become wider open) and breathing will change. The heart also pumps blood to the major muscle groups (torso). Their high-stress will cause blocking within the 4 - 6 Hz range.
Q. What is the Para-sympathetic System?
A. The body's normal, relaxed state. Breathing is deep and slow, blood flow is even throughout the body, the smooth muscles around the larynx measure between 8 - 14Hz.
Q. How accurate is VSA?
A. Extremely accurate when the consequences are relevant. See also the 'Accuracy ' page for more detail.
Q. What is LVA (Layered Voice Analysis)?
A. Records pitch and tone which can be controlled.
Q. What is Polygraph?
A. Another tool of measurement, uses 4 parameters, i.e a blood pressure cuff that measure fluctuations in blood volume & heart beat, GSR (Galvanic Skin Response Finger Plate) that measures palmar (endocrine) sweating, two pneumos that measure changes in the upper (lung) and lower (abdominal) breathing. Mostly used for serious crime.